League Name | Keenen's League |
League ID | 113047 |
League Manager | Keenen |
Max Teams | 12 |
Scoring Type | Category Scoring |
Captains | Disable Captains |
Ladder Tie-breaker | Highest Percentage |
Position Changes | Allow In-Season Updates |
Bye Rounds | Play every round |
First Scoring Round | Round 7 |
Draft Type | Autopick |
Draft Time | At League Manager's discretion |
Lineup Change Lockout | First Saturday Game Of The Round |
Add/Drop Lockout | First Saturday Game Of The Round |
Captain Changes Lockout | First Saturday Game Of The Round |
Max Acquisitions Per Season | Unlimited |
Max Acquisitions Per Week | Unlimited |
Can't Cut List | Enable Can't Cut List |
Restricted free agent Period | 2 Days |
Players Become Waivers on Add/Drop Lockout | Off |
Waiver Order Determined By | Continually Rolling List |
Max Trades Per Season | No Limit |
Trade Review Period | 2 Days |
Trade Review Method | Coach Votes |
Trade Deadline | Sunday, Jul 23, 11:59PM AEST |
Position | Starters | Emergencies |
Back (B) | 5 | 1 |
Centre (C) | 7 | 1 |
Ruck (R) | 1 | 1 |
Forward (F) | 5 | 1 |
Bench (BN) | 5 |
Time on Ground Threshold: 20%
Emergency Coverage: Non-playing players only
Stat | Description | Value |
SCOR | Scoreboard Impact | 1 |
% | Goal Kicking Accuracy | 1 |
KI | Kicks | 1 |
HB | Handballs | 1 |
MA | Marks | 1 |
HO | Hitouts | 1 |
TA | Tackles | 1 |
FF | Free Kicks For | 1 |
FA | Free Kicks Against | -1 |