Ultimate Footy is back in 2024 for Category Leagues!

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Game Help

Trading Players

Proposing Trades

To propose a trade, go to your team page and select the "Propose Trade" link at the top. This will allow you to select the team and players you want to trade. An email is sent to the other coach offering your proposed trade. That coach can then go to their team page to view the proposal, accept it, decline it, or make a counter offer. There must be consent from both coaches for a trade to be completed. If your trade is rejected, you receive an email notifying you of that result.

Trade Review Period and Protesting trades

If an offer is accepted there will be a two day pending period in which the entire league is notified and coaches can review the deal. In leagues that use Coach Votes to review trades, each coach can choose to vote against the trade if they think it is unfair. If at least one third of the coaches in the league vote against a deal, it is vetoed. In Custom leagues where trade review set to League Manager, the league manager has the power to veto any deals, or skip the two day waiting period to process the trade immediately.

Once a trade passes the waiting period without objection, the trade is processed and its results reflected on each team's lineup and shown in the Player Movement log.

For a trade to be valid, all players involved must still be on the same team they were when the deal was accepted. If they aren't, the trade is automatically rejected. To prevent players involved in pending trades from being delisted or proposed in other offers, coaches are not allowed to make transactions involving any players involved a trade once it has been accepted.

Deadline for weekly trades

Like waivers, any trades that pass the waiting period without objection will be processed at midnight following the pending period. For a trade to be reflected in your lineup for a given week, it must have been processed prior to the first AFL game of the round.

You can find the date and round for which a successful trade will be processed by clicking the ‘View’ link next to the pending trade on your team page.

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